Background shows puzzle games to develop mathematical understanding

3 Reasons to Use Play to Strengthen Mathematical Understanding

Did you know that play strengthens a child’s mathematical understanding? 3 Reasons to use play to strengthen Mathematical understanding Have you ever considered using play in your classroom to strengthen your students’ mathematical understanding? Many students struggle to grasp abstract concepts, and play can make the process of learning math

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Children listening to hear the instructions for the classroom transformation they will be having in their class.

9 Easy and Successful Classroom Transformation Ideas

9 Easy and Successful Classroom Transformation Ideas Are you looking for easy and successful classroom transformation ideas? Classroom transformations can be easy and successful. The first one I tried was a boot camp. I thought my students would enjoy the activity, but I didn’t think they would be as engaged

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Smiling child in a group with a teacher excited for a classroom transformation

5 Reasons to Try a Fun Classroom Transformation

Classroom transformations may have caught your eye on Pinterest or Instagram. When I first saw one, I wondered what I was seeing. I was intrigued, and I wanted to know more. I soon discovered that a classroom transformation means you change the learning environment to enhance learning. It usually involves

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End of the Year Self-Reflection for Teachers

Normally as I drive home from the last day of school, my mind has already begun planning next year. I am not sure why this is, but it happens every…single…year. I have just finished a school year that was memorable and unique for various reasons, but I am reflecting. My

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Hi, I'm Rosie!

I help teachers make simple classroom transformations that are fun, engaging, and tied to the standards. Learn more about me and how I can help you with your own classroom transformation.

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