Make learning fun!

Create an engaging classroom with little prep time so you can stop doing the same lessons and have a fun classroom.

Yes, I want a fun classroom!

I've Got Your Back!

You don’t have to do classroom transformations alone. I’ve got your back. If you’re ready to increase engagement with your students, I have just the thing for you. I’m going to teach you how to create your own classroom transformation that you and your students will love. I break it down into simple steps. Once you’ve tried one, you’ll love it and want to do more. Seriously, you will be hooked!

Hi there! I'm Rosie!

You’re in the right place if:

  • You want a fun and engaging classroom.
  • You want to save time.
  • You want to be more creative.
  • You want your students to love learning and coming to school.
  • You want to do something new in your classroom while still teaching the standards you are required to teach.


That’s why I created “How to Create Classroom Transformations Like a Boss.” It will help you have a fun and engaging classroom without much time and money!

Rosie's Got Class

From the blog:

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