8 children on playground equipment at the end of the school year

3 Exciting End of the School Year Activities

Are you looking for exciting to use activities at the end of the school year? The end of the school year brings excitement!  Students and teachers are looking forward to summer vacation! The last weeks of school can be enriching and fun at the same time. Since you have spent

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children writing numbers in an elementary math classroom

3 Powerful Reasons Children Should Practice Writing Numbers

Should children practice writing numbers? 3 Powerful Reasons Children Should Practice Writing Numbers Number writing practice is not outdated! Since our world is increasingly driven by technology, the act of writing numbers by hand might appear unnecessary. I disagree because the simple act of writing numbers is a fundamental skill

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children in a classroom smiling as they are beginning to practice math

3 Fun Ways to Use Movement to Practice Math

Practice math while letting your class move. Is it possible to find a way to use movement to practice math because your students need to get out of their desks? Have you considered including movement during math? I know you think of using it during P.E. or recess, but did

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teacher teaching young students the commutative property of addition

Simple Ways To Teach The Commutative Property Of Addition

Are you looking for easy ways to teach the commutative property of addition? Simple ways to teach the commutative Property of addition Have you taught your students the Commutative Property of Addition and the Identity Property of Addition? These two strategies are imperative for your students to know to help

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