child's hands working with place value blocks with ones, tens, and hundreds
Have you ever wondered if it is worth it to teach place value?

Place value is worth teaching to your students! Why is it necessary? Why can’t we just begin teaching all of the other standards that are needed during the school year? We have only so much time, and it feels like we need to dive deeply into the major standards that are needed in our curriculum. The answer is it is the basis of our numerical systems, and it cannot be overlooked.

When I use this Zoo Classroom Transformation, it is one way I help my students practice addition and subtraction. It is easy to prep and makes practicing math problems fun. Your students will love it because there are no boring worksheets! You will want this FREE Zoo Classroom Transformation because it is a simple math activity that is highly engaging for your class. You can use it for a one day activity during your math block or use it with your math centers for an entire week. Your students will be excited to answer the problems in this transformation. Put your name and email in the boxes, and it will be on your way to your inbox!

Find out how simple and engaging a classroom transformation can be while your students practice their addition and subtraction facts within 20. Since this activity is printable and digital, this zoo math activity is perfect for your classroom.

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    child using place value to solve math problems
    Yes! Place value is important to teach!

    Basis of our Entire Base Ten Number System

    The base ten number system relies entirely on the concept of place value. Each digit’s position  in a number represents a power of ten including ones, tens, and hundreds, etc. Teaching it helps students grasp the concept that the value of a digit is determined by its place in a number. Students must understand this because this is the beginning of more complex math.

    You would not begin to build a house without a solid foundation because it would be bound to fall. Students are no different. Without a basic understanding, their understanding of math concepts may crumble with more advanced math concepts. By instilling the significance of place value early on, educators provide students with the stable base they need to confidently navigate the world of numbers.

    child working on place value problems
    Place value includes breaking apart numbers and understanding their relationships.

    It Isn't Just Position and Value

    Place value is more than recognizing the position and value of digits. It includes breaking apart numbers and understanding their relationships. When students learn to decompose a number, they gain insight into its components. For instance, breaking down 356 into 300, 50, and 6 facilitates a deeper comprehension of the number’s composition.

    Understanding the relationships between numbers becomes more understandable. Students can compare the places of digits in different numbers and determine which is larger or smaller. They learn that numbers can also be thought of in different ways. For example, 439 can be broken apart as 400 + 3 + 9, but this is not the only way. It can also be represented by 300 + 130 + 9 which is 3 hundreds and 13 tens and 9 ones. There is more than one way to decompose a number, and students learn to be flexible in their thinking.

    teacher giving a high-five to a student in a small group working to compare numbers
    We use place value to understand numbers.

    Compare Numbers and Understand Them

    Comparing numbers is a beginning skill that extends far beyond the classroom. Whether it’s determining the price difference between two items or keeping score in a game on the playground, the ability to compare numbers is part of daily life.

    This concept helps students understand the relative sizes of numbers. By comparing the places of digits, they can discern which number is greater or lesser. This skill not only aids in mathematical problem-solving but also lays the groundwork for developing critical thinking skills. 

    Understanding a number is not just about knowing its value but also comprehending its place and significance in different contexts. Place value provides students with the key to unlock this deeper understanding and empowers them to use this knowledge both inside and outside the classroom.

    4 children looking at one child working on a place value problem
    Regrouping is easier for children who understand place value.

    Foundation for Regrouping

    Regrouping is a crucial concept in math. The foundation for regrouping is intricately tied to the understanding of the value of the each digit. Students must understand the value of each number as they begin to regroup to be accurate when solving problems. 

    When students add or subtract, they need to be able to recognize when a group of digits in a certain column surpasses nine. Without a solid understanding, regrouping can become a confusing process. With this knowledge, students can regroup with confidence. They can do this because they understand the significance of moving values between different place columns.

    Just as a skilled carpenter relies on the proper tools to craft a masterpiece, students need a deep understanding of numbers to master regrouping and progress with their math skills.

    addition flash cards
    Place value understanding is crucial for basic math facts.

    Make Sense of Addition and Subtraction

    Place value helps make sense of addition and subtraction and eventually multiplication and division. When students comprehend the relationship between the places of digits, they can execute addition and subtraction with precision.

    As students progress to multiplication and division, these principles continue to guide them. Breaking down a multiplication problem into smaller, manageable parts becomes more accessible when students can decipher the role each digit plays based on its value. Likewise, understanding the division process is significantly enhanced when students can visualize the relationships between digits in a number.

    The importance of teaching place value to elementary students cannot be overstated. Please don’t skip this step! It is the keystone for a solid math foundation. By recognizing it as the basis of our entire base ten number system, understanding its role in breaking apart numbers and discerning relationships, appreciating its significance in comparing and comprehending numbers, and realizing its foundational role in regrouping and basic operations, teachers can empower students to navigate the world of math with confidence and proficiency. Place value is not just a concept. It’s the basis of mathematical mastery for our children.

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