building math fluency with students working together at a table
Are you looking for ways for building math fluency with addition and subtraction facts?

Building math fluency for addition and subtraction can be fun in first and second grade! Many people use flash cards, but the truth is that using flash cards isn’t the only way to build math fluency. I don’t know about you, but flash cards are not my favorite way to learn and practice a skill. I like trying different things, and I know children do also. In addition, we know that children learn best through a variety of experiences. Here are three fun ways to develop addition and subtraction fluency.

Playing games is one way I help my students practice their addition and subtraction facts. Pet Bingo is easy to prep and turns addition practice into fun without a boring worksheet! Your students will want to play it again and again! This FREE sample of Addition Bingo has a pet theme to practice +2 addition facts. Use it with a small group to help your students with their math facts. Quickly and easily print the cards, gather some counters to cover the squares, and you will be ready for a fun and engaging small group experience. Type your name and email in the boxes, and Pet Bingo will be in your inbox!

Playing games helps your students learn their addition facts. Try Pet Bingo to use an engaging game in your classroom!

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    When we are trying to develop and build math fluency, there are many methods that can be used. The best ways are engaging and fun for students. When children are engaged, they learn better and retain their learning. By practicing addition and subtraction facts using a variety of ways, math fact fluency naturally grows. Here are three ways I have used in my classroom to develop addition and subtraction fluency.

    child holding two-colored red and yellow counters
    Use manipulatives and counting for building math fluency.

    Use Manipulatives and Counters for Building Math Fluency

    When you use manipulatives and counters, your students can feel, touch, and manipulate the objects. It gives your students a hands-on approach to learning their addition and subtraction skills. The more senses that can be used also increases a greater chance for learning. Children can also use their imaginations with manipulatives. 

    When we were using red and yellow two-colored counting discs, we created real life math stories by imagining they were apples. We manipulated the counters and changed the stories to develop different combinations of 10. For example, there were 8 red apples on one tree. There were 2 yellow apples on another tree.  How many apples are there in all? 

    It can also be used with subtraction. There are 10 apples on the tree. Then 3 apples all off of the tree. How many apples are left on the tree? With these examples, the children can physically move the manipulatives to help them develop these deeper connections to the numbers. It helps them connect their mathematical understanding to real-life examples.

    four students and a teacher looking at a computer for building math fluency
    Building math fluency is fun when you use technology.

    Building Math Fluency with Technology

    Incorporating technology into the learning process can be both educational and entertaining. There are many online programs that can be used to build math fluency. Your district may even have programs that they encourage you to use. These platforms and apps can be colorful and interactive and capture the attention of children. One way my class has practiced their math facts is with addition and subtraction spinning wheels. By adding a spinning wheel, the same facts are practiced with an element of chance which is highly engaging. Which section of the wheel will the spinner land on? Will I have to spin again?  Students also love competing to see if they can answer the equations quickly. It is also fun if you get a turn to click the spinner to begin the spin and to end the spin. Technology is another way of building math fluency.

    spinning game with subtraction problems on it
    Technology can help for building math fluency.
    game pieces that are brightly colored with numbers and math symbols

    Fun and Simple Games Help with Building Math Fluency

    Learning through play is an important part of early childhood education and incorporating games into math lessons makes math fun. With a few simple supplies, you can have many exciting games to build addition and subtraction strategies. You will be practicing the same math problems, but if you turn it into a game it is much more enjoyable.

    Here are a few games that have been used over and over again in my classroom.

    gameboard of zoo bingo with addition facts
    Bingo is an exciting way for building math fluency.


    1. Bingo is always a favorite of my students. I like to include this game at least once every couple of weeks. By using it frequently, I don’t have to explain how to play the game because they already know it. It saves on instruction time and puts the time into playing the game to practice math facts. By adding a little bit of competition, it also becomes more exciting.

    Dice Games

    Roll the dice and turn math into a game of chance. Here are a few suggestions.

    • Roll two dice and add the numbers together.
    • Roll two dice and subtract the smaller number from the larger number.
    • Roll two dice and then add the numbers together. Then roll two dice together again and add the numbers together. Then add the two numbers together that you rolled. Here is an example.
      • Roll #1 – Roll 3 and 5. 3+5=8
      • Roll #2 – Roll 2 and 4. 2+4=6
      • Then add both sums together. 8+6=14
    • Roll two dice and then subtract the smaller number from the larger number. Then roll the dice again and subtract the smaller number from the larger number. Then use both numbers and subtract the smaller number from the larger number to find the difference. Here is an example.
      • Roll #1 – Roll 6 and 2. 6-2=4
      • Roll #2 – Roll 3 and 1. 3-1=2
      • Then find the difference between your two rolls. 4-2=2

    By using dice, children also begin learning about probability

    picture of dice and cards to use for building fact fluency
    Use dice and cards for simple addition and subtraction fluency games.

    Card Games

    Here are a few suggestions for using cards.

    • Draw two cards and add them together.
    • Draw two cards and subtract the smaller number from the larger number.
    • Draw two cards and then add the numbers together. Then draw two more cards and add them together. Then add the two numbers together that you added together. Here is an example.
      • Draw #1 – Draw a 6 and 2. 6+2=8
      • Draw #2 – Draw a 9 and 3. 9+3=12
      • Then add both sums together. 8+12=20
    • Draw two cards and then subtract the smaller number from the larger number. Then draw two more cards and subtract the smaller number from the larger number. Then use both numbers and subtract the smaller number from the larger number to find the difference.
      • Here is an example.
      • Draw #1 – Draw a 5 and a 2. 5-2=3
      • Draw #2 – Draw a 10 and a 5. 10-5=5
      • Then find the difference between the two numbers. 5-3=2

    You can also play games like “War” to add in some fun and competition.

    By incorporating manipulatives, technology, and games into the curriculum, you can build math fluency. These methods promote a deeper understanding of addition and subtraction and also develop a positive attitude towards math. Remember these activities make learning enjoyable and create a classroom where math is a fun adventure. So, let the math magic begin!

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