Teacher with students working in math centers and the text says "How to Use a Classroom Transformation for Fun Math Centers."
Use a classroom transformation with your math centers!

When you hear classroom transformation, are you concerned about the amount of work for you for one day of learning? It can certainly be daunting! I felt the same way, but I knew it was something I wanted to do. I kept thinking about it, and I came up with a solution that has worked for me. The best part is that it also helps me with my weekly math centers!

I have found that if I have a theme it helps increase the engagement in my classroom. My students are excited about the theme for the week, and it helps them be more focused on the topic. The best part is that they have so much fun while they are practicing the math skills we are learning. It is a win for everyone! If you would like to try a simple classroom transformation, you will want to download this FREE sample of a zoo classroom transformation. It helps students practice their addition facts within 20. Just put your name and email in the boxes, and I will send it to you right away!

Find out how simple and engaging a classroom transformation can be while your students practice their addition facts within 20. Since this activity is printable and digital, this zoo math activity is perfect for your classroom.

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    5 easy steps

    When I begin planning the classroom transformation to use as my math centers, I follow 5 easy steps.

    Children are in a classroom learning, and the text says "Choose a theme for your classroom transformation."
    The first step is to choose a theme for your classroom transformation and math centers.

    1. Select a theme.

    At the beginning of the year, I like to use generic themes such as a zoo because all of my students like animals. As the year progresses, then I usually choose themes that most of my current students love. One year I had a class full of soccer players, so I used many soccer themes. Another year most of my students loved basketball instead of soccer. The name of the game is being flexible, and as teachers, we are amazing at being flexible!

    Choose the standards to help you find activities for your math centers.

    2. Choose the topic and standards I want to focus on for the activities.

    I use my district curriculum map to guide me. You know what you need to use and what works best for you.

    Children are playing a game together on the floor in a classroom, and the text says "Design the activities to integrate with the theme."
    What math center activities can you choose that will integrate with your theme?

    3. Design the activities to integrate with the theme.

    I like to plan 4 activities for the week along with a final culminating activity. I usually use task cards or a game that fits the theme that also practices the standards I am focusing on for the week. Occasionally, I use a theme and review a previous math concept.

    A teacher is sitting at a desk and writing down her plans, and the text says "Plan a schedule."
    Useing a schedule helps you be successful with your math centers when you are using a classroom transformations.

    4. Plan a schedule for the week that fits with my math centers.

    When I plan four centers then it is easy to use one activity per day from Monday to Thursday. Then I usually plan a short activity on Friday that is a culminating activity to tie everything together for the week.

    Children are playing at a table in a classroom, and the text says "Plan an activity for Fast Finishers."
    What will you have your fast finishers do when they have finished the math center activity for the day?

    5. Plan an activity for fast finishers.

    This is important because there are always students who finish before everyone else. I plan one activity for the week, and I explain it to everyone on Monday. This way everyone knows how to complete the activity for the week, and I only explain it one time. I usually make sure it is an open ended activity, so it can be played over and over. I have found that using dice or number cards as part of the game will usually make it so the activity can be repeated. The students are practicing the math skill, but the problems can change each day.

    Benefits of Using a Classroom Transformation During Math Centers for an Entire Week

    1. Increased Engagement

    The students love the theme, and it helps to captivate their attention and make learning enjoyable. This helps them improve their learning and understanding.

    2. Set up last for the entire week

    You can set up the theme with simple props or signs and leave it up for the entire week instead of setting it up for one day. This is definitely a big win for you to save time and energy!

    3. Use your creativity

    It is fun for you as the teacher to think of themes. If your class loves legos, then have a lego theme for the week. You can also help the student that is hard to reach when you know the student loves dinosaurs, and you have a dinosaur classroom transformation.

    4. Create long-lasting memories

    Your students will learn and remember they measured the width of the classroom with rulers or yardsticks while they were wearing construction hats that you purchased on Amazon.


    Spreading out the classroom transformation theme throughout a whole week during math centers helps my students and me! It definitely makes my life easier. I don’t know about you, but I am always looking for ways to make learning exciting. This helps me to plan fun and engaging activities, and I know my students will strengthen their math skills. By using classroom transformation activities at a math center all week, it helps students engage positively with math on a daily basis. They will see math as an exciting adventure rather than a challenge. I hope this solution can help you in your classroom today!

    Try a FREE Zoo Classroom Transformation!

    Practice addition using a zoo themed activity!

    Find out how simple and engaging a classroom transformation can be while your students practice their addition facts within 20. Since this activity is printable and digital, this zoo math activity is perfect for your classroom.

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      Hi, I'm Rosie!

      I help teachers make simple classroom transformations that are fun, engaging, and tied to the standards. Learn more about me and how I can help you with your own classroom transformation.

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