You have been using the same textbook to teach the same lesson for the past (insert your number here) years. Since you have done it so many times, you could probably do it in your sleep. You are an effective teacher because your students always understand the concepts, but you are getting tired of it. If you are getting tired of it, your students may sense this. This is my story too, but I decided I wanted to see if I could change it. I began looking at a few ideas, and then I found the book The Wild Card by Hope and Wade King. I began wondering if the way to increase student engagement was to use fun classroom transformations. It was worth a try to me, so I tried a classroom transformation. It was exciting to me, and my students loved it also. 


Since that time, I have learned ways to make them more simple. My students love them, and I love them! They are fun and engaging, and I love creating them using the standards. If you would like to try classroom transformations, you’ll definitely want to download this FREE guide to simple classroom transformations. I have created a guide to help you plan your own classroom transformations. Just put your name and email in the box, and I’ll send it to you right away!

    What I was looking for was how to promote student engagement

    Before I tried a transformation, I wondered if this would engage the students. I read The Wild Card, and I felt like it would promote student engagement. I was still a little skeptical, but I wanted to try. Although it felt a little daunting, I decided to dive in anyway. I think my first one was a multiplication and division boot camp. I was excited, but I could not believe the engagement! My students were so into it. I was astonished because I was using the same questions that I would have been asking using the textbook. I am fairly certain that I had never seen such high engagement using the textbook questions. I was sold and hooked on classroom transformations!

    students engaged in a classroom
    Try a classroom transformation to engage your students!

    What are some of the ways to increase student engagement

    Classroom transformations can be simple. All you need is a simple hat, a game, or a simple costume. First, there is magic in a hat. Second, using a common game and changing it to a theme makes everything more fun. Finally, a simple costume can take you and your class to the zoo or a ballpark. These are three ways to increase student engagement.


    Let me illustrate what I mean. A couple of years ago, I purchased a white science lab coat. It was a small investment, but it has paid off. I used it for a Monster Math Lab. Another day at the last minute I remembered the lab coat before a science lesson that I was a little nervous to teach. It made the lesson easier to teach because the students were listening and learning, and it happened because of a lab coat.

    increase student engagement in a classroom
    There are so many ways to increase student engagement when you use classroom transformations.

    What are some of the activities to increase student engagement?

    I use a variety of activities for my transformations. One of my favorite ways is to use them for a test review. The students are much more invested in answering the questions if a theme is involved. The best part of it is that the questions are the same ones that would have been asked with a normal test review. The magic happens when the theme takes a test review to the next level. Another activity is to add a hat to introduce a topic or new unit. At the beginning of the school year, I like to read The Magician’s Hat by Malcolm Mitchell. I read it with my black magician hat, and the story takes on a deeper meaning for the students. Finally, I often tie a theme to a holiday or a special day. When it is the last day before winter break, my students are far more engaged with a Polar Express theme than counting the minutes until the bell rings. They often say this day has gone by so quickly. This makes me smile and warms my teacher heart.

    teacher in a classroom with children
    Using a classroom transformation is an easy way to increase student engagement.

    This sounds amazing, but... 

    You may be saying to yourself some of the same things I have said. 


    • “This sounds amazing, but I don’t have the time right now.” 

    • “I want to make it fun for my students and me.” 

    • “What could I try soon that doesn’t take too much extra effort or time?”

    school classroom - ideas to increase student engagement
    It is easy to find ideas for simple classroom transformations.

    Here are some ideas to help you begin.

    • Have a scavenger hunt to find the answers for a test review.

    • Use a detective theme to introduce a new concept where they need to dig a little deeper to find the information.

    • A sports theme is always a hit with children. Take the soccer ball out of the playground equipment bucket and put your class into two teams. Ask them questions and score goals for correct answers. Instant engagement!

    • Cooking always makes everyone pay attention. Is it time to discuss fractions? Put on a chef’s hat and draw a picture of a pizza on your whiteboard. Divide it in half, then in thirds, and then in fourths. Your students are paying attention!

    • Have a boot camp to reinforce some concepts that need a little more work or practice. Your students will deepen their understanding while they are working hard at boot camp.

    Math classroom transformations

    I have used more math transformations, and I am not sure why this is. I think they seem to work better for me and my own style of teaching. You may find this to be the case for you, or you may find that designing your own transformations work better for you during your English Language Arts time. Some teachers like to include the whole day for their transformation. Everything done that day is tied to the theme. Find what works for you and your own teaching style.

    What do students say?

    One of the best parts of classroom transformations is what the students say. I love to hear “This is the best day ever!” or “This is so much fun!” Hearing these words makes me feel the time and effort is well worth it. Another thing that is gratifying is talking to former students. It fills my soul when I hear a student tell another student that they remember the super hero day you had two years ago. Yes, I love classroom transformations!

    children in a classroom
    The benefits of classroom transformations are amazing!

    Benefits of classroom transformations

    Classroom transformations also strengthen relationships. Let me explain what I mean. I do my best to notice what my students are interested in to plan my transformations. I especially like to pay attention to the interests of the students who are more quiet about what excites them. When I am able to plan a veterinarian transformation for the student who knows all of the facts about pets, it excites my student. This has been an important way to strengthen relationships with my students. The activity has been more meaningful for that student while it has engaged all students. 

    Here are more fantastic blog posts about classroom transformations from other teachers who are fans!

    As you can see, I am a huge fan of classroom transformations. I have experienced the benefits in my classroom because they have increased student engagement, have strengthened relationships, and have been fun. I hope that you will try one and love it as much as I do! I want to make it easier for you to try to experience the benefits. Click below to download your FREE guide to simple transformations! I hope you and your students love classroom transformations!

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      Hi, I'm Rosie!

      I help teachers make simple classroom transformations that are fun, engaging, and tied to the standards. Learn more about me and how I can help you with your own classroom transformation.

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