9 Easy and Successful Classroom Transformation Ideas

Children listening to hear the instructions for the classroom transformation they will be having in their class.
Are you looking for easy and successful classroom transformation ideas?

Classroom transformations can be easy and successful. The first one I tried was a boot camp. I thought my students would enjoy the activity, but I didn’t think they would be as engaged as they were. I heard them say, “This was so much fun!” and “Can we do this again?” I have been using transformations since that time. In doing so, I have a few things I have learned over the years. Here are some classroom transformation ideas to help you.

Have you tried your own transformation in your classroom? If you would like to do one, you’ll definitely want to download this FREE guide to simple classroom transformations. I have created it to help you plan your own classroom transformations. I think you will quickly be hooked! Simply put your name and email in the box, and I’ll send it to you right away!

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    Classroom Transformations are Activities to Increase Student Engagement

    As I mentioned earlier, I have learned a few things. First, classroom transformations are highly engaging. Students love them. Sometimes I have heard people wonder if they are really just fluff. The answer is definitely no! A classroom transformation means you simply change the environment to enhance learning. You usually add something new to your classroom to make it exciting and different. The amazing thing about a transformation is that I use the same material and add it to the new environment. For a test review recently, I used the same questions from our math book. I found an inflatable Tic Tac Toe board and divided the class into two teams. A typical, unexciting test review was transformed.

    Teacher explaining to students how to do an activity in their classroom.
    Your students will be highly engaged when you use these classroom transformation ideas.

    Are You Looking For Some Creative Activities in the Classroom?

    Transformations are it! You may be asking yourself where to get inspiration. Here are some ideas to help you begin brainstorming.


    • Students – This is my favorite way to get ideas. One year I had a student who loved dinosaurs, so I did a dinosaur transformation for a test review. He still remembered it a few years later. I think that checks the box for engagement!

    • Party stores – There are plenty of themes at a store, and this can become expensive quickly if you buy the items from the store. It can also serve as a place of inspiration to help your creative juices flow. When I go to a party store, I ask myself what I can do to use the theme but do it with low cost, low effort, and low time factor?

    • Books – Did your class read a story that everyone loved? Could you do a theme around the book? For example, after reading Charlotte’s Web, could you have a simple fair where you review some math topics using typical fair games?

    • Pinterest – I put this idea down last for a reason because you have to be careful of the overwhelm factor! Getting on Pinterest can be helpful to give you some ideas. Some of the ideas are simple and can be done in the classroom. Many of the ideas are expensive and time consuming. I like to set a timer for 15-20 minutes to help me find some inspiration. When the timer rings, I am finished, and I begin planning my own ideas that are more simple and doable.

    children in a small group in a classroom
    It is easy to find inspiration for your classroom transformations.

    3 Math Classroom Transformation Ideas

    These are some ideas to help you begin thinking.


    1. Restaurant – Could you practice adding up the bill at an expensive restaurant with a menu you have created?  

    2. Game Show – Since practicing math facts can be tedious, by turning it into a game show it becomes fun. This theme would be simple to practice some math facts and math standards with a few different challenges.

    3. Detective – Pretending you are a detective to find the clue words in math problems is magical. Students often don’t enjoy looking for the clue words so this changes it into something more interesting.

    Try these three ideas during math.

    3 Reading Classroom Transformation Ideas


    1. Boot Camp – Do your students need some practice in determining the cause and effect in your text? Turn it into a boot camp to practice these basic skills, and you have some engaged students.

    2. Surgery – Students will learn what it really means to revise with a little surgery. By removing the extra words that aren’t needed the writing becomes more concise.

    3. Bakery – Could you use a recipe card to help you teach that the recipe name is the main idea and the ingredients are the supporting details?

    Reading time will be exciting with these ideas.

    3 Team Building Activities in the Classroom


    1. Sports – Sports is always a popular theme. Showing how to be a team player at the beginning of the year would score big in a classroom.

    2. Construction – Using a construction theme idea at the beginning of the year can be used in a few ways such as how to construct a great year or how to construct a great friendship.

    3. Luau – At the end of the year you could have a luau to talk about your year together as a class and celebrate the team building that has happened through the school year.

    a group of children participating in a team building activity in the classroom
    Team building activities are always a good idea.

    Where can you get items for your theme?

    When you are deciding on a theme and trying to keep it simple, there are a few places that are helpful to find items for your transformation.


    • Dollar Tree or any dollar store – This is a great place to find some simple props. I have purchased two orange construction cones for a building theme and a lego banner for a lego day. These items were affordable yet they set the environment.

    • Amazon – I think Amazon is like Pinterest. You have to be careful not to get overwhelmed, but I have purchased items online. When I have wanted special hats that are reusable, this is where I have found them for a construction theme and a jungle theme.

    • Goodwill store – If you like a good treasure hunt, you can usually find one or two items that you can use or repurpose. Be creative!

    • Garage sales – Here is another place for a good treasure hunt. Remember one person’s junk is another person’s treasure, and you might find something really amazing!

    • Your own home – You probably have something you have at home that could be used for a transformation. I went in my backyard and picked up pinecones to add to the camping theme transformation.

    • Your own students – You know your students best and know their resources. I recently had them bring a blanket from home to cover the desks for a tent with a camping classroom transformation.

    You may be asking yourself what are some essential classroom supplies for teachers who want to do a transformation?

    You probably already have most of the items you need for a classroom transformation.

    Here is a list of items I already have in my classroom that I use repeatedly. I think the two most essential items are the clipboards and the dry erase pocket sleeves. There is a good chance you already have these items in your classroom, so this is another way for you to use them. They are both worth the investment!

    • Clipboards for students to use to write on while rotating around the classroom

    • Dry erase pocket sleeves – I use these to make less copies especially when students rotate in groups through different activities.

    • Expo markers and erasers for the dry erase pocket sleeves

    • Badge holders from Amazon – I like to give them name tags according to the theme.

    • Small easels to set up the instructions on the table where you are doing the activity – I got mine from the dollar store. You could also get a piece of cardboard or cereal box and cover it as a stand.

    • Dice – I use a few different varieties.

    • Playing cards – I use these for several math games.

    Here is another teacher who uses classroom transformations.


    These 9 classroom transformation ideas will help you be successful. They are simple, engaging, and fun. I hope you will begin now for an exciting day in your classroom soon. 

    If you would like more help with planning your own theme, you can download this FREE guide to simple classroom transformations. This guide will help you plan your own transformations. I think you will quickly love them also! You and your students will benefit from them. Simply put your name and email in the box, and I’ll send it to you right away!

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      Hi, I'm Rosie!

      I help teachers make simple classroom transformations that are fun, engaging, and tied to the standards. Learn more about me and how I can help you with your own classroom transformation.

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